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Non-nuclear weapons

Scientific and technical progress together with development of the innovative technologies had led to improvement of conventional weapons, upgrading of their effectiveness and creation of high-accurate devices. The level of protection of military equipment is constantly being updated, that is why the effectiveness of high-accuracy weapons should be substantiated not only by high delivery accuracy, but the improved destructive characteristics of combat armament.

Anti-tank missile complex

Starting from the late 80-s RFNC- VNIIEF was involved into development of non-nuclear weapons as the facility, possessing the long-term expertise in scientific and high-technology efforts, and the one disposing of the unique calculation, theoretic and experimental base. The institute is in close contact with the leading research institutes and design departments of the Russian Federation, developing the baseline complexes and systems for the branch.

The up-to-date conventional weapons are being developed by the Institute in the closed loop mode: from theoretical-calculated and experimental studies to product design and mastering; development of the associated technological processes and establishment of serial production background by the advanced technological and production experience accumulated by the Institute.

The warheads and nuclear charges developed in the Institute constituent of such complexes and systems as the transportable air defense missile system "Igla-S", multipurpose missile complex "Shturm", anti-tank missile complex "Khrizantema-S", artillery rocket systems "Grad", "Smertch".

CONSORTIUM of enterprises involved into development and production of non-nuclear weapons, military and civil equipment.

The goal of establishment:  having the accumulated scientific/technical and production potential of the members of the Consortium, as well as their designer and technological specialization in place: to coordinate the joint activities aiming at development of science-consuming technologies; to develop non-nuclear weapons and weaponry and to establish their pilot and series production, including production of standardized components according to specifications set forth by the designers of associated weapons and weaponry (special machinery).
  • development and production of perspective samples of weaponry with battle characteristics similar to those of the best foreign analogs
  • updating economical expediency of the projects under development via reducing non-production expenses and optimization of prices as two possible options
  • reduction of the development, production and shipment phases via optimization of technological processes and attraction of experimental and production capabilities of the enterprises under the authority of the members of Consortium

Members of the Consortium:

© 2012-2025 FSUE RFNC - VNIIEF
Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Muzrukov Ave, 10
Tel.: 8 (83130) 2-05-95
Fax: 8 (83130) 2-14-35
E-mail: press@vniief.ru