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On 2 November 2007 in RFNC-VNIIEF it was held the session of the Scientific and Technical Counсil dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of academician Yu. Trutnev. Dr. Trutnev received the congratulations from the Leaders of the Institute, city and RosAtom.

Yuri Alexeevich Trutnev is a prominent scientist of Russia. His name occupies a particular place in the succession of founders and developers of the country's nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.
He is a co-inventor (jointly with Ya.B. Zeldovich and A.D. Sakharov) of the most important radiation implosion concept, and was among the group that designed the first thermonuclear device based on the new principle. This device served as the prototype for practically all thermonuclear ones produced in the USSR afterwards.

At that very time Yu.A. Trutnev in collaboration with Yu.N. Babaev formulated the idea of the radiation implosion improvement that was implemented by them in 1958. That advancement proved to be the major basis for upgrading the thermonuclear arsenal of our country. In 1961-1962 the said basis allowed devising a wide spectrum of thermonuclear devices including the most powerful one in the world designed in 1961 under the guidance of A.D. Sakharov and Yu.A. Trutnev.

Yu.A. Trutnev succeeded to academicians A.D. Sakharov and Ya.B. Zeldovich in the position of the VNIIEF's Theoretical Department Head that was occupied by him for nearly 40 years. For this period hundreds of nuclear and thermonuclear devices were designed for all armed forces kinds. Yu.A. Trutnev's initiative on starting the use of new physical principles in the device development was exceptionally valuable.

Yu.A. Trutnev also initiated the production of industrial devices for economic applications. Several such devices were really used in practice (water reservoir creation; gas flame extinction; gas and oil field intensification etc.). In VNIIEF the work was continued ideologically by nuclear energy safety R&D under the guidance of Yu.A. Trutnev and resulted in obtaining of the world-class scientific and practical data.

Presently, as the VNIIEF Scientific Leader's First Deputy for advanced developments Yuri Alexeevich Trutnev is going on working. The sphere of his interests includes formulation of new physical methods in support of nuclear weapons applicability in the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; designing of up-to-date original non-nuclear weapons and means to defeat the Anti-Missile Defense; capability enhancement of strategic submarines; and many other major problems, which should be solved for national security of Russia. He is also active in areas aimed at economic growth of our state, i.e. nuclear power production; alternative energy (including the hydrogen one) etc.

Yu.A. Trutnev undertook the following important measures on VNIIEF personnel qualification improvement meaning preparation of candidates and doctors of sciences; lectures for MIPhI students; and establishment in VNIIEF of the MIPh Chair affiliation for theoretical nuclear physics. Yu.A. Trutnev is a member of the Bureau of Physical Sciences Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; several Scientific and Technical Councils of RosAtom and RFNC-VNIIEF; Scientific Councils on upholding doctoral and candidate's theses; Scientific Consulting Committee attached to the International Science and Technology Center and Strategy Formulation Board for Nuclear Energy Development of Russia in the period of up to 2050. Yu.A. Trutnev is the editor in chief of the domestic journal "Problems of Atomic Science and Technology" (the series of theoretical and applied physics) and the chief editor deputy of the international scientific journal "Alternative Energy and Ecology".

In 2003 Yu.A. Trutnev was awarded with Kurchatov Golden Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Besides, Yu.A. Trutnev is the winner of many other governmental awards, such as: Hero of Socialist Labor; Knight of two Orders of Lenin; Order of the October Revolution, two Orders of Labor Red Banner; Orders of the III and II degree "For Services to the Motherland", and laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes.

Photoexibition dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of academician Yu. Trutnev

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