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Isotop products

Stable isotopes and ultra purity substances 

The use of isotopes and ultra purity substances serves as the basis of many high technologies in different areas of science and engineering, in particular, in medicine, nuclear power production and electronics. Isotopes: carbon, silicon, sulfur, zinc, krypton, xenon, molybdenum, germanium, selenium, nickel and oxygen.
A mutually beneficial collaboration is proposed in the production and sales of isotope products.


Overpacks to store and ship radioactive material, special-purpose ones included

The overpacks allow transporting up to 1 gram of highest-activity radioactive isotopes. They meet the requirements of the applicable regulations for safe transportation of radioactive materials. Permits are available.

Strata and targets from highly enriched supertransuranic elements with the surface area of up to hundreds of square centimeters on various substrate materials

Substrate materials: metals (aluminum, beryllium, steel, iron, nickel, copper, titanium, zirconium); ceramic materials; quartz; and organic films. Substrate shapes: disks; rings; planar, cylindrical and spherical surfaces. Strata from the isotopes of thorium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, and curium may be deposited electrochemically or pyrolytically, or embedded into the substrate in the form of ions of 40 kev energy.

Highly enriched (up to 99.995%) isotopes of actinides

These are produced by way of electromagnetic enrichment in the sufficient amounts for conduct of advanced physical experiments, their forms to include solid compounds, liquids, and targets. Isotopes: thorium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, radium, and actinium.

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