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Disassembly, dismantlement and repair

Explosive cutting tool

Assigned for interior cutting of cast-in-block steel tubes with up to 100 mm walls, buried in ground or submerged in water. Capable to disassemble: stationary sea-based gas and oil platforms, tubes in overage oil and gas wells, different metal structures to be further utilized.
Peculiarities: high effectiveness, low he weight, safe detonators involved, small size, cutting elements easily transformed into operational position, no foreign analogs available. The device is tailored to fit the customers requirements depending on the dimensions of tubes, deepness of burial, properties of soil and environmental conditions


Safety cutting tool

Assigned for external cutting of tubes, when heat exchangers, steam generators, heaters or pipelines, used for pumping aggressive, poisoning or another liquids or gases inside a production facility, are being dismantled. The present cutting tool is a cumulative expl

osive device. Commercial cumulative charges of small caliber can be used as the cutting element of the device
The device can be used to disassemble atomic power stations or submarines. Peculiarities: highly effective, equipped with protective multiple-use jacket and a collector of fragments, easy to use simple design. The device is tailored to fit the individual requirements of the customer depending on size of the tube to be cut (whatever diameter and with up to 15 mm thickness)


Explosive cutter

Assigned for interior cutting of: multi-tube conductors (up to 5 tubes), the spacing between which is filled with low-hard medium (concrete solution or water), buried in ground or submerged into water, monolithic metal tubes with rather thick wall (over 100 mm), when other devices, based on the principle of rarefied shock waves, are low effective. Application areas: disassembly of marital gas and oil platforms; disassembly of overage tubes in oil and gas wells; cutting of wedged drill pipes. Principle of operation – high explosive. Peculiarities: high effectiveness, simple construction, no driving, safe electric detonators, two-point initiating system. The version assigned for cutting the five-tube conductor of oil and gas platform with 150 mm inner diameter and 720 mm outer diameter was designed and tested. The device is tailored to fit the customers requirements depending on the dimensions of tubes, deepness of burial, properties of soil and environmental conditions


Explosive type facilities for remote disassembly of munitions

Assigned for: remote disassembly of retired munitions, containing radioactive elements. UVT-1 is capable of cutting five cowling envelopes of aviation fragmentation warheads BCH AB-62 or BCH 9E-1028 of “air-air” class missiles (with a munitions holder substituted). UVT-2 is capable of cutting two anti-tank cumulative warheads BCH 9H-156VB. The facilities consist of an explosive chamber, acceleration unit with guiding grooves, a piston with the cutting element and a holder for munitions. The facilities can be used for disassembly of munitions located inside the protective transportation containers (mounted on KAMAZ and KRAZ vehicles) and in the closest vicinity to arsenals. Do not require any additional energy supplies. Test samples are available. Mobile complex can be designed on order


Нижегородская обл., г.Саров, пр. Мира, 37
e-mail: staff@vniief.ru
Тел.: 8 (83130) 2-48-02
Факс: 8 (83130) 2-94-94