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Главная / закрытый раздел /Catalog of technologies, products /Equipment for enhanced oil and gas production /

Equipment for enhanced oil and gas production

Open-frame perforator PL70 with a removable band frame

It is designed for repeated unsealing of commercial beds in oil, gas and other wells cased with strings having the inner diameter no less than 115 mm and filled with water, salt solution, oil or another curculating fluids.


Nonrecurrent tubular perforator TP-K89

It is designed for repeated unsealing of commercial beds in oil, gas and other wells cased with strings having the inner diameter no less than 117 mm, and filled with water, salt solution, oil or another curculating fluids.
It is loaded into the well on a logging cable.


Recurrent hollow carrier perforators TPMK

They are designed for repeated unsealing of commercial beds of oil, gas and other wells cased with strings, and filled with water, salt solution, oil or another curculating fluids.
They are loaded into the well on a logging cable.



Nonrecurrent tubular perforator TP-NKT89

It is designed for repeated unsealing of commercial beds of oil, gas and other wells cased with strings having the inner diameter no less than 117 mm, and filled with water, salt solution, oil or another curculating fluids.
It is loaded into the well on the tubing strings.
It is enabled by the explosive hydromechanic head VGM73.


Nonrecurrent tubular perforator TP-NKTGS89

It is designed for repeated unsealing of commercial beds in oil, gas and other wells cased with strings having the inner diameter no less than 117 mm, and filled with water, salt solution, oil or another curculating fluids.
It is loaded into the well on the tubing strings.
It is enabled by the explosive hydromechanic head VGM73.


Explosive hydromechanic head VGM73

It is designed for initiating of detonation circuit of shaped-charge perforators, loaded into oil and gas wells on tubing strings. It is used in vertical, directional and horizontal wells.


Нижегородская обл., г.Саров, пр. Мира, 37
e-mail: staff@vniief.ru
Тел.: 8 (83130) 2-48-02
Факс: 8 (83130) 2-94-94