//Росатом/ ВНИИЭФ |
Mission areas
The VNIIEF institutes, design bureaus and research centers are successfully working in the following main areas:
There are intensive programs at RFNC - VNIIEF towards improved performance, efficiency, safety, and reliability of nuclear weapons. With the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty existing today, the major activities of its nuclear weapons mission are mostly carried out within the VNIIEF theoretical and computational, design and experimental divisions. The Institute offers extensive computational and experimental capabilities that include unique research facilities, diagnostic equipment, and data acquisition, processing and transmission systems. Behind the high - class developments of the Institute are first of all theoretical and numerical efforts in various disciplines of science and engineering, such as nuclear physics, gasdynamics, transport theory of radiation and matter, kinetics of nuclear and thermonuclear reactions, high energy density physics and many others. The main mission of the largest mathematics department of the Institute is developing new computation methods and codes based on improved physical and mathematical models. The scope of research interests is very wide in applied gasdynamics area. This covers investigation into and control of explosive behaviors, investigations of the material properties under high and ultrahigh pressures, studies of materials and structures under shock loads and many other problems. For these purposes, unique and versatile facilities and systems are available at the Institute. The Institute runs extensive development programs in accelerator, laser and explosive magnetic generator technologies, addressing the feasibility of controlled fusion. The design and process engineering divisions of the Institute can develop most sophisticated and tailored designs, instruments and automation systems, new materials and processes. The Institute's test complex can provide comprehensive testing of the products for stability in various environments. VNIIEF initiated implementation of a large-scale program in the USSR on the use of peaceful nuclear explosions. The goals of this program were: deep exploration of the Earth's crust; enhanced oil and gas production; making underground reservoirs, craters and channels, earth removal, eliminating the gas plumes of production wells; ore crushing, prevention of black dust and methane emissions; potential use of deep earth formations for disposal of the hazardous waste from petrochemical industry. The RFNC - VNIIEF expertise in high-technology projects and its unique experimental capabilities have served the basis for the Institute to proceed to the development of more advanced conventional weapons, including high-efficiency conventional warheads for antitank and air-defense systems, and other activities as well. There are high-technology projects carried out at VNIIEF for the purposes of national economy. These are related to oil and gas industry, nuclear power safety, safety systems for high-consequence production facilities, application of explosive technologies, enhanced production and processing of minerals, environment protection, energy efficiency, medical equipment, diamond cutting and many others. With its great science and technology potential, RFNC - VNIIEF is able to expand its research and development efforts and so effectively get into new frontiers of high technology, with world-class achievements and unique fundamental and applied research. Since 1990, the Institute has been closely involved in international cooperation. The highlight in the history of the Institute's international activity is a series of joint Russian - US projects on ultra-high power explosive magnetic generators, high energy density physics, controlled fusion and magnetized plasma. Significantly, there has been more mutual trust and extensive contacts established between VNIIEF and the key scientific institutions in the US, France, Germany, UK, CPR and other countries. The international collaboration has demonstrated the capabilities of RFNC - VNIIEF as one of the leading scientific centers in the world. |