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Sarov city

The destiny of Sarov city is arresting. One can hardly find another spot, where the large scientific-technical center, assigned to embody one of the most audacious technical projects of the XX century, and one of the best esteemed orthodox shrines – the prayer place of Saint Serafim Sarovsky amazingly coexist.

In the late forties of the last century the name of Sarov vanished from the maps of the Soviet Union. On the 9 of April, 1946 the decree, establishing a specially important object under state control, appropriated for development of the first Soviet atomic bomb was issued. The area, being the homeland of the famous Sarov monastery, was chosen for construction of the top secret site. Within half a century the name of the object and its mail address changed repeatedly. However, it was just the name of Arzamas-16, that was filed into the history of the Soviet atomic project.

On the 17 of March, 1954, the decree by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Soviet Federative Republic established the city under regional subordinacy, named Kremlev – the alternative unofficial name of the site.

In 1995 the name of Sarov, bearing which the place became part of the history of the Russian nation and had been known in the Orthodox world was given anew to the city. The city, who’s name and allocation used to be the top state secret, and which nevertheless had always played the important role in the history of our state, returned to the map of Russia. In the XX century the scientific-technical center, established here, had made both the fate of the USSR and the entire world’s destiny dependent on its activities.

Sarov land is abundant of secrets. Archeological excavations in progress enable specification of the dates, indicating the times, when the first settlements appeared in the area. The time has not yet come to declassify all the pages of the story of the first Soviet atomic project, in which the key role belongs to residents of Arzamas-16. Thus far the basic mission of RFNC-VNIIEF staff is to sustain reliability of the Russian nuclear weapons.

The present-day image of the city, its traditions and habits were generated by those, who came to this place to create the nuclear shield of Motherland. Those were the best representatives of their generation – the young, energetic high professionals.

Sarov somehow stands apart from another cities. Its living potential gives hopes for the favorable perspectives. It has its own mission, associated with solution of the critical task posed by the government: Homeland protection and creation of the nuclear shield.

The current status of the city and peculiarities of its living cycle are specified by the RF Law “On the closed administrative-territorial community” adopted on July 14, 1992. The Law is due for all the closed cities of Russia, but Sarov was the one to initiate development and adoption of it.

The city disposes of the musical and art school for juveniles, several lyceums and gymnasiums. The students, vigorously participating in regional and country-wide “Olympics” (topical contests), steadily win the top prizes.

The total area of the city is 232 square kilometers. There are 100 streets, 12 of which are named after the outstanding citizens. The city population approximates to 90 000.
A few years back housing construction was restarted in Sarov. It was Sarov, where the idea of mortgage was born and further successfully distributed all over the country.

During the last few years the city image was enriched by the Ice Palace, the new building of the Drama Theatre and Juvenile Library, meeting all the modern technical requirements.
The juvenile School of Sports had been operating for years in Sarov. The graduates of this school successfully participate in the world-class championships.

There are 9 natural memorials in the area: the nearby and the distant Pustynka, Sarov silver springs, Erzya Saint hole Keremet’, water meadow in Satis river bottomland, monasterial ponds Protyazhka and Varlamovka, monasterial Shelokshanka pond, monasterial hole Filipovka and Sysovsky lodgment.

Sarov looks ahead with confidence. It fits the realities of the modern life quite appropriately and it could have never been otherwise, since it is the city of the great destiny.

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