//Rosatom/ VNIIEF |
The Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF) is the big, dynamically developing enterprise providing the wide spectrum of activities and employing engineers/technicians of 450 specialties and workers of over 300 specialties.
The manpower policy of RFNC-VNIIEF is to provide the Institute with the staff, capable to implement at the maximum effective level the strategic tasks pursued by the Institute.
As of today, the one third of those employed by the Institute are people under 35. The basic goals of the policy for young generation in RFNC-VNIIEF comply with those declared in the “Strategy of state policy referring young generation in the RF”
![]() RFNC-VNIIEF is a company, which bears certain social liabilities by way of paying a good deal of attention to social protection of its employees and veterans, as well as to health protection issues, improvement of dwellings, development of culture and sports, effective functioning of the objects pertaining to social infra-structure.
Social programs pursued by the Institute comply with the liabilities undertaken in the so-called Collective Agreement and fit the corporate standards. They aim at providing social stability inside a team of employees; establishment of comfortable living and working conditions; rejuvenation of staff; sustaining the living standards of retirees; further development of corporate culture.